How might this look on a practical basis? The following table can serve as a guide:
More Less
Sharing Shouting
Encouragement Criticism
Good will Acrimony
Temperance Rashness
Unity Division
Compassion Judgment
Other-centeredness Self-centeredness
Humility Arrogance
Open-mindedness Closed-mindedness
Confirming Assuming
Respect Dishonor
Responsibility Blame
Kindness Rudeness
Decency Crudeness
Truth Manipulation
Integrity Deceit
Solutions Complaints
Positivity Negativity
If we all committed to the above, it would change the world. We’d achieve more understanding, respect, harmony, joy, and kindness, and even make better decisions.
So, let’s try taking these four words to heart and mind, and see how this changes us and how we relate to others. It’s a great goal for a new school year.