Virginia School Counselors Rock!
I love being with School Counselors. I think they’re the “heart of the school.” They are asked to do so much—guiding the high achiever and those who are struggling mightily with life. What’s more, the fingerprints they leave with their wisdom, care, and direction aren’t often felt until years later—long after their students have left to their next steps. It’s so reminiscent of Mr. Holland’s Opus (one of my favorite movies), where Mr. Holland had no idea of the countless students whose lives he impacted. I know I speak for the masses of graduates who look back and wish we’d thanked our counselors for pouring into our lives.
Such was the case last week in Newport News, Virginia where I keynoted for the annual VSCA conference. It was a wonderful opportunity to hear from those in the trench…who are dealing with complex student and parent issues like never before. It was a privilege to say, “Thank you!” from all of us who look back with such appreciation for their guidance. These days, with the multitude of familial and cultural headwinds students are facing, it’s the school counselors who are the front line, “keeping the boat afloat.” They’re making a huge difference, one student at a time.
So, thank you VSCA and dear friend, Bea McLeod (pictured) for having me, and especially for all you do to serve the students of the great state of Virginia. You ROCK!
Tagged as: VSCA, Virginia School Counselors Association, Virginia, school counselors