Parenting for the Launch What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18

Let's Take the Integrity Challenge!

9/13/2011 11:45:47 AM

It seems last week’s email, "The Power of (Your) Words," really resonated with people. Those who responded told me they found it both challenging and convicting.  Several also mentioned they thought the world would be a much better place if EVERYONE heeded its message: to only say things about other people that you wouldn't mind them overhearing. I couldn’t agree more.

Of all the success pointers in What I Wish I Knew at 18, I think this is possibly the most dynamic—and the most difficult—to uphold. It’s so easy to fall short on this one. Somehow we have this warped view that tearing others down builds us up. You’d think we would outgrow it as adults, but all too often, we don’t.
So, I want to throw out an idea.
What if we started a movement to take this "Integrity Challenge" to heart?

What if teachers and school administrators everywhere challenged their students to live by this principle and see the difference it makes? What about all of us adults in our workplaces, families, and social settings? What if it became a way of life in how we think, relate, and communicate about others? Can you even imagine the possibilities? It might just change the world—in a very good way!

Are you game to try…and, if so, to spread the word?


I’d love to hear if you’re going to take me up on the challenge. Please leave a comment below to let me know you’re in. Then share the link--and the challenge--with your friends!

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Comments On Let's Take the Integrity Challenge!

Jan Smits - 10/26/2012 9:24:08 AM
Although we no longer have youg children, I will do my best to spread the message!ednster shall

Reply by Dennis Trittin - 10/30/2012 1:10:03 PM
Thanks so much!
Karah - 11/2/2011 4:51:04 AM
I wtaend to spend a minute to thank you for this.

Reply by Dennis Trittin - 2/23/2012 9:29:41 PM
Thanks so much!
hadi - 2/6/2013 8:00:06 AM
hi im from indonesia. I believe in it as ben franklin does said' "sincerity and integrity in dealing between man and man are the utmost important thing." Modern self help book (of course exclude ur book) really missing this point, which, more important than how to use body language, how to use eye contact, and etc etc. 2 thumbs up for ur book

Reply by Dennis Trittin - 2/6/2013 11:17:59 AM
Thanks so much for your thoughts, Hadi! I couldn't agree more. Blessings from America and thanks for helping us try to change the world! Cheers, Dennis

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