Parenting for the Launch What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18 What I Wish I Knew at 18

Preparing Your Teen for College and a Career

11/16/2014 4:20:22 PM

Preparing for the launch into adulthood. It’s the culminating milestone of every parent and every high school…releasing the adolescents under our supervision into the brave new world of independent living. It’s also the fulfillment of our responsibility of training up self confident, well-prepared young adults to realize their dreams and purpose.





At this weighty time, we ponder these questions:


· Have we covered the bases, developed their leadership skills, and taught them what they need to succeed?


· Do they fully understand and appreciate their uniqueness and value?


· Have we built a strong, enduring relationship that will thrive in adulthood?


· Have we prepared them well for their transition into independence?


Each of us plays an important role in these vital areas, and we owe our children our best.


That’s why we wrote Parenting for the Launch: Raising Teens to Succeed in the Real World.


And, it’s why we’re excited to release our newest DVD, Preparing Your Child for College and a Career. Helping you position them to soar in adulthood!


This DVD, from a live 60-minute presentation at Appleton West High School, offers invaluable, “how to” perspectives and strategies for raising college-, career-, and life-ready young adults for:


· Developing their leadership and decision-making skills


· Creating an enduring relationship in those challenging teen years


· Identifying and affirming their unique assets


· Selecting and succeeding in college


· Helping them select, land, and thrive in their career


For $79, you can bring this valuable training into your homes, school, parent group, or organization. Preparing Your Child for College and a Career will offer you encouragement and practical insights to position your teen or student for a successful launch into adulthood.


For more information or to order call (920) 319-3169 or email me at





Dennis Trittin
President and CEO


PS - You can Sign up  here for my weekly e-mail. Sign your friends up too!

Tagged as: parenting for the launch, parenting, DVD, What i wish i knew at 18, mentoring, teens, teenagers

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