Leadership for a Lifetime: Self-Awareness
10/10/2015 11:53:56 AM
When you look at yourself in the mirror, whom do you see? Is the image clear or blurry? Do you like what you see or wish you could have a makeover? Are you a kitten who sees a lion or a lion who sees a kitten?
Unfortunately, most of us lack a complete and accurate understanding of ourselves because our perception is distorted through our own biased lens. Each one of us is filled with valuable treasure, but for many it lies buried beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed. I daresay this is true for most adults, but it’s especially so with adolescents. Unfortunately, they’re making fundamental, life-changing decisions without truly understanding themselves. We call this essential leadership quality self-awareness.
When it comes right down to it, teens and young adults are trying to answer these fundamental questions at this stage of life: 1) who am? 2) what do I have to offer? and 3) what are my opportunities? The first two get at the heart of their identity… their value proposition to the world. It’s vital that they get these answers right because they will heavily shape their future.
Within each and every person, there is a treasure of talent, qualities, assets, and skills. How would you like to mine that treasure in you? How about the treasure in your students, children, and others around you? How can you develop a clearer understanding of yourself and the tremendous value you have to offer—and help others do the same?
Here’s one way: Knowing that self awareness comes through self discovery and affirmation from others, we’ve developed a personal leadership assignment you can access here. It not only helps you assess your own unique assets/strengths, but it also captures the invaluable perspectives of others who know you well and have your best interests at heart. As you complete this project, you’ll have a much more complete and accurate perspective of…You!
Briefly, your assets fall into several categories:
- Foundational Assets:
- Physical: strength, speed, agility, dexterity
- Mental: intelligence, reasoning, creativity, subject specific
- Behavioral: personality, attitude, emotional intelligence
- Spiritual: faith, values, inspirational experiences
- Relational Assets:
- Support System: companionship, security, love from others
- Network: pool of personal and professional ambassadors
- Aspirational Assets:
- Experiential: credentials, life skills, service, leadership
- Interests: knowledge pursuits, recreational, leisure
- Passions and Dreams: desires, causes, purpose, impact
Great leaders are self aware and lead from their strengths. They have an intuitive grasp of their uniqueness and value and how to offer it to others. Then they align their lives accordingly.
So, what are your greatest strengths? A commitment to self awareness will help you identify and develop them—and use them in a way that brings joy to you and is a benefit to the world!
Tagged as: leadership, series, self awareness, self worth, life perspective,