Invest in Your Spiritual Growth
4/8/2012 10:32:42 PM
Humans are, by their very nature, spiritual beings. Surveys routinely indicate that 80-90% of people believe in God and Heaven, in one way or another.
What’s involved in having a meaningful spiritual life? People of faith often describe their faith as offering:
- Comfort and hope in the midst of uncertainty and anguish
- Answers to questions of an eternal nature
- A place to turn with gratitude, praises, and needs
- A guide to daily living, a moral compass and source of accountability
- A means to cleanse the spirit through confession and repentance
- A unique community of like-minded believers
- A sense of security, purpose, and significance
While understanding that the religious beliefs of our readers vary widely, we think it’s worthwhile for all of us to reflect on the spiritual aspects of our lives. Regardless of your individual beliefs today, there is wisdom that can be gained through exploring and cultivating your spirituality as a part of your life journey. Understandably, when we are at our busiest, it seems that our spiritual life often takes a backseat. Many times, there is a “wake up call” that gets us back on track.
How you approach your spiritual life is a matter of personal choice but however you choose to handle it, that choice is an important one. People with active spiritual lives often take a holistic approach through involvement in the following areas:
- Personal devotions, meditation, and reflection
- Reading
- Worship services
- Fellowship groups
- Classes
- Ministerial services, mission trips, and community outreach opportunities
The bottom line is that if you have faith and desire a rich spiritual life, you have to make room for it. Otherwise, in the midst of a frenzied schedule, it’ll simply get squeezed out.
Just as you would with any other avenue of personal growth and development, it's good to do some research into this area and develop a list of questions. Talk to people of faith and ask them to tell you about their spiritual journey. Visit a worship center with a friend who attends there. See what opportunities, groups, or clubs your school offers along these lines, and use those to make connections in the greater community.
Choose some reading material that will help you grow, whether it’s scripture reading that pertains to your faith or perhaps a book of devotions, meditations, or an inspiring biography of someone else’s faith walk. Put it by your bed or somewhere else you’ll see it (and use it) daily. We need to take time to read as well as express our gratitude, needs, and confessions. Daily reflection time not only promotes our spiritual growth; it also provides balance and perspective. Don’t just give it your “leftovers.” Rather, consider it a gift to yourself as part of your spiritual foundation.
Are you allowing room in your life for spiritual growth?
When reviewing the above list of spiritual growth avenues, are there areas that would be especially interesting or helpful to you? Share your thoughts and stories with us about how your spiritual life has made a difference to you; we’d be glad to hear from you!
Tagged as: spiritual life, parenting teens, faith