Thanks, VATFACS!
8/11/2012 3:55:54 PM
Arlyn Lawrence writing here (Editor and Director of Curriculum Development at LifeSmart). On the heels of the trip Jeanne and Lauren Trittin and I made to Virginia to speak at the Virginia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Science Professional Development Institute, we just want to say -- THANKS!
It was a delight to spend time with an amazing group of committed and enthusiastic educators July 29-Aug. 1 at the beautiful Boars Head Inn in Charlottesville, with a keynote dinner address and a professional development workshop on creative ways to teach leadership and life skills.
For our part, we thoroughly enjoyed all our interactions with FCS teachers and administrators from all over the state of Virginia. We enjoyed the laughter and fun as well as the time on task (BOTH are important!). I think the workshop was my favorite. Thanks, teachers, for being up for such great participation, jumping into group discussions and role playing as we explored fun, relevant ways to teach important life wisdom and skills to high school students.We hope you went away encouraged, refreshed, and re-inspired for the upcoming school year and your vital role in building the next generation of leaders.
We also enjoyed visiting with you all throughout the retreat, not just in formal meeting times but around the resort grounds, in the restaurant and halls, at our exhibit booth: hearing your stories and challenges, getting to know you and your mission a little better, and having the opportunity to share our What I Wish I Knew at 18 leadership/life skills program with you.
All of us at LifeSmart Publishing are grateful for the educators we meet in the course of our work: for your tireless investment in students and the significant impact you are having on their future. Your stories consistently confirm that many of today’s students lack the necessary life skills and personal leadership qualities to reach their full potential. These comments are regularly echoed by employers and community leaders. Certainly, we all have a stake in turning things around—and we’re here to help.
So, thanks again for allowing us to partner with you; the pleasure is all ours. Here's to a great school year, and to empowering the next generation together!
We'd love to hear from you; please keep in touch! Leave your comments, questions, and suggestions below. Thanks!
Tagged as: VATFACS, FCS, Family and Consumer Science, teachers, educators, life skills curriculum, speaking, Arlyn Lawrence, Jeanne Trittin, workshop, professional development