GUEST POST: A Call to Invest Wisely
Note: This post was writting by Noel Meador, Executive Director for Stronger Families in the greater Seattle area (www.strongerfamilies.org).
“Before you criticize the younger generation,
remember who raised them.”
-Unknown Author
We live in a culture that sees more screen time than family dinner times, that talks more through text and Facebook than eye to eye, and that praises performance and “beauty” over the heart and soul of a person. We have some big problems on our hands.
But take heart: tonight you will have the opportunity to change the world.
You can invest in the stock market, have the best house and car, and know great success, but when you die, it will all die with you. All that hard work and dedication, good stewardship, understanding of investment will be gone.
Sure, you can pass on your monetary inheritance but, if it is to a generation that hasn’t been taught responsibility, it will be squandered.
If it is to a generation that hasn’t been taught the value of family and investment in others--a heritage will fade.
If it is to a generation that is self-focused and distracted--your generosity and kindness will end.
So, how can we ensure our heritage will live on?
If we want to invest in something that will live beyond our time and have the ability to change the world, let’s sit down at our table tonight and look at the faces of our children. Take time to talk, listen and teach.
They are it! They are the change we hope to see in the world! The future of this country and our families. I hope and pray I’m investing wisely.
Noel Meador is the Executive Director for Stronger Families in Bothell, Washington and the author and creator of the Oxygen for Your Relationships seminar. Noel has a passion to see families and relationships revitalized and srengthened. He resides in Woodinville, Washington with his wife Karissa and their two sons.
Tagged as: impact, Stronger Families, Noel Meador, inheritancy, invest, investment, family, parenting, heritage, children