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10 Regrets to Avoid Like the Plague!

10/25/2014 11:59:12 PM

Looking back on your life so far, do you have any regrets? Are there things you did and wish you hadn’t—or things you didn’t do and wish you had? Any relationships that are strained? Opportunities missed?  Bridges burned?
Although these are some of life’s most important questions, too many people wait until the end to ask them—and by then, it’s too late.  We’ll all have regrets from time to time. However, you can minimize big ones (or avoid them altogether) if you periodically ask yourself these questions (and then actually do something about it!).  Today is the best time to start!
When it comes to considering our regrets, there is wisdom to be gained from senior citizens who are in a naturally more reflective stage of life.  If you ask them about their life regrets, you’ll likely hear some—or maybe even all—of the following:
  1. I didn’t spend enough time with my loved ones
  2. I didn’t tell my family and friends that I loved them often enough
  3. I was too stubborn or proud to admit my mistakes and apologize
  4. I chose bitterness over reconciliation
  5. I allowed my life to be consumed by work
  6. I was too hesitant to take risks, try new things, and live my passion
  7. I wasted too much time
  8. I didn’t appreciate the little things in life
  9. I valued things over relationships
10.  I worried too much
Do any of these apply to you? Be honest! Although regrets run the gamut, did you notice that most involve relationships and priorities? This is why it’s so important that your life is balanced, you fully invest in relationships, and your priorities are right.
This discipline is a great one for all ages.  Consider sharing it with the young people in your life. It will help you—and them—make needed midcourse corrections and “relationship repairs” along the way.
Be forewarned, though: it’s not easy, and it takes a strong dose of courage, humility, and determination. Wouldn’t it be great, though, to get to the end of life and be able to say, “FEW REGRETS?!?”

Tagged as: life perspective, regrets, family, love, priorities, time, time management

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Comments On 10 Regrets to Avoid Like the Plague!

David L. Carr - 10/29/2014 7:59:08 AM
Regrets--#3 #6--#10

Also, retired from the job I loved just to please my wife
Retired from my second job just to please my wife.
Failed to finish college.
Did not tell my father that I loved him

This is a real eye opener and makes me look back on my 82 years and wonder what my life would be like had I lived my life differently

Reply by Dennis Trittin - 10/29/2014 10:58:46 AM
David, thanks so much for sharing. Each one of us has our fair share, to be sure. Remember, the power to forgive means forgiving ourselves, too. Blessings for a rich life at 82! I'm catching up! Dennis
Ca Do - 10/29/2014 10:06:11 AM
Good Stuff Dennis. Great advice for what really should be important in the span of ones life.

Reply by Dennis Trittin - 10/29/2014 10:59:51 AM
Thanks for your note, Ca. May we all live as strategically and purposefully as you! Cheers and Blessings, Dennis

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